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A journey with the Angels 2025

13 moons of self inquiry and healing with Angelic support

  • 6 hr
  • 2,222 British pounds
  • Pontrilas

Service Description

Each moon cycle we will be working with a different quality, inviting the healing quality can bring. Following the Angelic wheel, weaving with the cycles and nature I will bring all of my knowledge, mindset and energy tools to this offering. Each moon cycle you will receive your Crystal Angel Pendant to work with throughout the moon cycle, guided meditations, journaling prompts. We will meet once online and once in person each moon cycle to dive deeply into the self discovery this cycle can offer us. Connection - guidance for connecting deeply with the Earth, Divine Source and all that is, your Body and your Awareness. Discussion around the interconnected nature of our lives and reflection on our own personal relationship with connecting with others. Love - what is self love and what does it mean to you? An opportunity to explore your relationship with your Self. Where are you in judgement of yourself? What parts of you could you meet with more acceptance? Meeting the inner child and offering the love, acceptance and healing they need. Abundance - How much are you willing to receive and where are you blocking abundance? Exploration of where we are saying no when we could be saying yes and allowing more abundance to flow into our lives. Sunshine - Optimist of pessimist? How could we shift to allowing more sparkle to lift us out of the dullness. An exploration of growth mindset and how we can allow ourselves more hope and joy. Encouragement - Is your inner critic louder than your inner coach? What would your guardian Angel say? How we can move towards a more encouraging inner narrative. Vitality - What in your life is replenishing your energies and where are the energy drains? How good are you at discerning where best to invest your energy? Strength - Discovering your strengths and recognising that you can do hard things! Darkness - We all have dark times, finding the light in the shadows. Courage - feeling the fear and doing it anyway. How to harness the quiet courage within. Protection - Light shields instead of heavy armour. Exploring our defences. Compassion - An exploration of grief and how e navigate letting go compassionately. Peace - finding the peace within you! Cycles - recognising and trusting the cycles of life. Bonus moon for those who participate in all 13 moon cycles Clarity - as we complete the cycle we come to a place of renewed clarity. Payment plans are available for this offering making it available to all!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

This is a year long commitment but I will make exceptions for those who need to so they can dip in and out of the course if that feel right. Please be respectful of my time and effort as I will of yours.

Contact Details

  • Pontrilas, Hereford, UK

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